Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Learn this people will yearn to get you

You will never be deceived in life if ball keep these things in mind 


hello friends i am durga kumar loving life Blog Post You are very much welcome in the post, in which lesson we will learn important points about our life and read it carefully and understand it and then use it then start now

Learn this people will yearn to get you 

Silence and smile are both powerful tools, tools, silence is the way to solve many problems, the second smile is to avoid many problems, a person who does not go on the wrong path even after getting cheated and hurts and does his work honestly, such a person One is dearest to someone, never be disappointed in life, do you know that tomorrow is the day you have been waiting for for years, when a sensible person stops having a relationship, then understand that his self-esteem has been hurt somewhere, a person can 

 become whatever he wants. If he carefully chooses the desired thing and works hard 

 for it, leaving the intellect in the emotions, he becomes a fool in life because emotions mostly think towards absurd things, so work according to the intellect according to the feelings. Have faith in your prayers and your deeds, God will give you everything that is yours in any case, if there is 

 loneliness then consider it a boon because God has given you a little more time to improve yourself, you considered yourself weak. otherwise what you can do there is no other There can be no bigger enemy than the one who cheats by staying together, there can be no bigger friend than the one who tells our evils on our face, you will see a dream, problems will come a thousand, but that scene will be very beautiful when success will make noise. Makes you hollow and weakens the hopes Start living on the strength of your strength, your partner can be better than yourself and we cannot be a pain, if you are afraid to do any work, then remember it is a sign that your work It is full of bravery in the sentence, never tell it completely to

 whomever you love, it is a bitter truth, the day the person in front came to understand that you love him deeply, from that day he should make any effort in that relationship. will shut down and only take advantage of you  

True love will tear you apart, will bring you to its knots, but when you break you will feel an immense joy and wisdom, if you have the courage to first hurt, once Arjuna asks Shri Krishna ji, Keshav, who is closest to you, Shri Krishna said, O Parth, that person who has the power to take revenge and forgive him, such a person is always close to me, the thinking and intention of a person is good, God helps him in some way or the other. Those who are fortunate do come in some form, they get time and understanding together because often they do not understand on time and when they understand, all the time goes out of hand, take advantage of all the time in life, but rely on someone If there is no silence, people also come in the category of scholars, every relationship has a limit and we should never break that limit because when the dignity of the relationship is broken then a lot ends, a person is the advocate of his mistakes. If you become the judge of the mistakes of yourself and others, then there is no difference of judgment, never anyone's bad. Pray because the evil is in you too and only the one who has true love with others can only speak evil of you, because even in his displeasure, your concern and true love towards you is hidden in his heart. It is that people are afraid of being alone but it is also true that many people get better in a 

 lonely moment if everyone is happy with you then surely you have made many compromises in your life and if you are happy with yourself then it is definitely You have ignored many mistakes of the people, the body will be missed one day, all the relatives related to it, wealth, property etc. will also be lost, so this is all illusion and only your deeds and devotion will work, hence true deeds. And collect the wealth of devotion, no matter how fair a man is, but his shadow is always black, I am the best. 

It is self-confidence but only I am the best. Only birds fall, the more a man bows down humbly, the more he rises, the more he expects from fate, the more he will disappoint, believe in karma, you have always got more than you desire, if you have got life, then show it as an example, otherwise history  

The pages of these are printed today by giving bribe, the destination tries the courage of a person, the pages of dreams are removed with closed eyes, do not lose courage in anything, only stumbling teaches a person to walk, what you are struggling today, which you will have to face tomorrow Need, Pain makes you strong 

 Tears make you brave and Heart beat makes you wiser So for a better future focus on the past A normal person prays to God Don't give me problem God but a great man prays to god let me face my problems Give the power of God, leave five things now, make everyone happy, expect more from others, live life in the past, consider yourself less than anyone, and think too much, then only you will be able to live the best life people who are more than us  

It is said that they love us very much, often the same people leave no stone unturned to hurt us It is lonely nowadays, more than one's qualities are seen in appearance, color and clothes, but remember, appearance, color and clothes are deceived one day, it has qualities, they will always play with the person who has cheated you once, whether you No matter how much you forgive, one day it cheats you, because a person's appearance can change but the character does not change.  

The person on whom we lavish love, we do not even have the ability to give love in return, everyone comes to seek help, but when you need help, there is no one to help, a false person keeps his words true To prove it falsely swears on everything, Those who bear everything silently, they are always persecuted, the person who never gives anything to anyone, is not ashamed to ask for anything, you do not make any mistake twice in life Because if you repeat it, it is not a mistake, it is your desire, whenever you get a chance to make someone happy, do not give up, it is only the angels who can put a smile on 

 someone's face, the law of creation is the kind of thoughts we exist The same kind of energy reaches us by transmitting it, keep in mind that it is necessary to have positive thoughts, only then the path becomes easy and easy, never try to live for someone else, try to be good in someone else's eyes Don't do we have come alone and will go alone, the kind of work we do, we will get the same result as that which has passed. 

  Forget me, believe in what you are doing, leave worry about what will happen, just you have to do your deeds, it is a policy of rewarding good deeds, good deeds give good results, those who are more and more attached to their families fear them. And worry has to be faced because the root of 

 all sorrow is root, so to be happy, one should leave the one who lives in our contemplation, it is near even if it is really far away but that which is not in our heart. Despite being close, he is far away, he whose knowledge is limited only to books and his wealth is in the possession of others, he can neither use his knowledge when needed nor wealth; Those who want to reach God, should be given purity of mind and senses. and one needs to be kind  


Never tell your dreams, just fulfill them, because people like to hear less and see more, only the brightness of a successful person is visible to people, no one knows how dark they have seen, if dreams are not coming true then change the way No, because the tree always changes leaves, not roots, one good thing to learn from the fog is that when the path of life is not visible, it is useless to try to look far, one step, let's walk the path itself, so the life of the lamp will come. It is not venerable that it burns, now the lamp is a bandini because it burns for others, it does not burn with others, if someone hurts your heart, do not feel bad, it is the law of nature that the tree that bears the sweetest fruits you get the most. Stones fall when the spirits start breaking, just remember that without love, the throne is not crowned, find your destination in the dark, friends, fireflies are never fascinated by light. 

I hope you have liked this blog post, if you have got some good topic to learn in your life, then definitely tell which topic you liked in the comment box. Thank you friends.

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