Sunday, 2 October 2022

Understand man's biggest mistake or else you will repent

Understand man's biggest mistake or else you will repent


 Hello friends, I am going to tell a lesson to you people Durga Kumar, so that a lesson for happiness, peace and prosperity in your life.I am writing what is behind you all Leave it, happiness will run after you, let's try to understand

I have seen a lot by doing but there is no happiness in life what to do or where does happiness reside.πŸͺ”πŸͺ”πŸͺ”

Have seen a lot, but there is no happiness in life, what to do, tell me the address of where this happiness resides, maybe we also get happiness, the whole world is behind happiness running back but no one is happy And happiness sometimes comes in life, that is also not real because you feel that happiness because before you were living in misery, it wants the same as sorrow.So At the same time, in the same situation, you start experiencing happiness, a husband and wife are waiting for a child for years.They have everything, they don't have a child, that's why they show all the happiness and sadness, but one day they get a child, then they experience the object and after some time Sadness about expenses and sometimes misery for children, quarrel among themselves about work Then they forget the happiness they get from that child and catch the misery, similarly the whole world runs after happiness, the world gets happiness and leaves it and catches sorrow.Because this happiness is to be yours, how happy you can be, even people so also get

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Those who say that my existence is a misery, he has made the happiness he is getting from his arrival into sorrow.

Because it is thought that there is only one reason why we spend our happiness in finding out Are you looking for in others, can other people give you happiness?They have ever given you happiness. Are you happy with the people around you, search within yourself that you will find that you are unhappy with the people around you at some point or the other Even if there is happiness by being, it is only the sorrows caused by them.But they do this only about the sorrows caused by them, you must have heard many people saying that I am out of life. I have lost, now there is no way, all are useless, what have these people lost, in fact all of them have lost something and whatever they have lost is theirs.was too big for life and what was that and their happiness and where it was not in them but it was hanging on something And whatever is outside, it only gives sorrow until you recognize the happiness within you, a person was very troubled by many sorrows in his life, as we all are people. If there is no sorrow in life, then what is the problem, because then there is no happiness to be found.There is no need to pray or find God, tantra mantra, witchcraft nor miracles are needed Then why would a husband and wife fight among themselves or a master and a servant or why would a country and a foreign country fight, but all this happens because there is suffering because of misery, and there is a reason and there is a solution to it and since If redress is found, then one gets freedom from false misery and happiness.

πŸ’―Most of the sorrows that come in our life are false.πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’―

Most of the sorrows or pleasures that come in our life are false, that person was also very upset with the sorrows of his life, wanted to get rid of his sorrows, so it happened 1 day to a guru and told the guru my There is a lot of sorrow in life, it seems that I should die, I am not able to handle this sadness can you end my sorrows Guru smiled and Guru said that I will take away your sorrow Can't end it because I can't see your suffering The reason for your sorrow and its redress can only be you, the person said, but how will I do it And he began to find out the cause of sorrows one by one, after a day he returned to Guruji and he said Guruji I have found the reason for my sorrow Guruji said very good and what is the reason the person said my wife who does not listen to me and does not listen My children who never listen to what I say My friends who never help me as I say My master who cuts me for no reason My neighbor does not even increase the salary, who keeps showing new things to burn and keeps talking to me by showing them the guru said, come on, you have found the reason, now find the solution to your misery And when you get the solution, then come and tell me, that person left from there and started looking for the solution of his sorrows, he looked at all the problems one by one, looked at all the sorrows and solved them and went to the Guru. Reached back near and told Guruji, I have found the solution to my sorrows Guruji said what is that remedy The person said that my wife should start obeying and talk properly in front of me, my children should now start obeying me and my friends should give me full respect and give importance to my words, my boss is my boss. Praise the work and increase my salary also my neighbor doesn't have more money than me and he doesn't buy any new clothes and if he buys he don't show me or i have more money than him i give him new new clothes Buy things and show them which they could not buy Guruji said now,When you have come to know the cause of your misery and the solution to your happiness, and now you have found the solution to the cause of your misery, then go and convert your sorrows into happiness.How can it be that whatever plane I told is impossible to be, tell me something like that if all this is possible, tell me any mantra, any tantra or any method, the guru said but what you want to prevent but I am like this Can't do anything, said the person, but Guruji, I have heard that the tantrik who lives in the crematorium can do everything, can make my master's mind good, can shut my wife's tongue. my children my friend my neighbor can arrange money to come to me my friend my neighbor my children can walk according to my mind to him There is such a method that gives some food and drink, so that everyone starts obeying me, the guru said, have you done all this The person said no but I have heard from the people that my neighbors do not even go, my friends do not go, even my wife secretly goes to that tantrik, the guru said hey your problem how easy it is to solve so what are you doing to meReached the guru and said to the guru, Gurudev, I have done a lot and there is no benefit here.You put an end to the sorrows or I should give my life, the tantrik robbed me, took a lot of resources, but the situation is as it is Even today, I am saddened by the sadness, the guru started smiling loudly and said that there is suffering in this world, but we do not recognize our sorrow, we do not recognize the sorrow, if we do not know its cause, then there is no solution. Learn to recognize your sorrows the person said and what should I do for this Guruji Guruji said go and see the people because of which There is sorrow in life, is there any sorrow in his life, that person went home and asked his wife that now you have any sorrow in your life. If you start believing, then I do that the life of both of us will become heaven, that person goes to his children and asks the children, children, is there any sorrow in your life, the children said yes our life I am sad and it is because of you if you stop interrupting in our life and let us do what we want to do then our life will be filled with happiness The person asked his friend if you have any sorrow because of me Friend said yes there is sorrow in our life because of you because you do not listen to us, do not respect us and we speak not that  They don't believe what we say and start arguing then that person went to his neighbor and before asking anything a voice came that he heard that his neighbor was talking don't know how is our neighbor He doesn't care about us, how can he be happy, we have so much and we are sad, he is so happy. 

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Tantric robbed me, took a lot of means but the situation is like this

Go and get rid of your sorrows, that person left from there and reached that tantrik And the tantrik took meditation and told some of his methods and some rituals, some mantras, some food and drink, B asked to do some action in the crematorium, as the tantrik said, the prostitute did three back after a month There is something and we are sad, how can he be happy even in such a little, then he comes to know that his neighbors are sad because of his happiness while he himself is sad Then he did not even dare to go to the master, then he reached the guru and said to the guru, Gurudev used to think that people are the reason for my misery, but now I came to know that I am the cause of people's misery. Society did not come, the guru said, in fact, we have become the reason for each other because we have started depending on others happiness and sorrow, if the wife talks with a good smile, then we become happy if we agree.If children follow what we say, they feel happy and if they follow their words, then we become sad.If someone praises us, then we feel happy, when someone does evil to us, we become sad immediately. Wow, you can make us feel as you want, if you leave things now, are there sorrows in your life, that person said a lot that he thought a lot that where not, he has no sorrow but can you
Asking everyone to leave, the guru said come with me, the guru put that person in front of a mirror.The guru who brought me said, do you see everything clearly in this mirror, can you see yourself clearly, the person said yes everything is clearly I I can see myself clearly, the guru said now go bring a bowl full of dust, the person has dust in the bowl Bring it full The person brought dust in the bowl, the master took out some dust from the bowl and said, this is the sorrow that your wife is giving you and why are you late for your wife, and saying this, she looked at the dust in the mirror.The guru raised the dust again and said this is the misery your children are suffering and threw that dust again on the mirror Guru guru picked up the dust again and said this is the misery your master has given you The guru raised the dust saying about neighbors and friends and many sorrows and threw it when he came and finally said to the person are you looking in this mirror Can you see yourself in the mirror, the person said no, the mirror is full of dust, nothing is visible Gurudev said, our sorrows are also like this, they cover us in this way that we are completely broken, we do not see anything, our mind cannot see itself, just keep looking at the sorrows and see how

The dust of sorrows that has settled in the mirror of the mind, but in reality you are like this dust of us, whenever we speak unnecessarily, we get angry, do not understand others, keep running on our own, argue, satisfy our ego keep doing everything to do

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The mind is never clear, just look at this mirror

And forget Mohan, like this dust flies on the top and it covers you and you fall into such misery and it is not that the dust does not go away whenever the wind of happiness blows, the dust is removed but you of Has raised so much dust that if one dust is removed, then the other sits, the mind can never be cleared, just clean this mirror and see that person cleaned the mirror, the guru said what is visible now The person said that everything is clearly visible and said to Gurudev, then where did Gurudev remove the dust of your sorrows?So you can clearly see that you are not that person, you are unhappy, you are looking for happiness in others outside, while outside there is conflict where there is conflict.There is anger where there is anger there is ego and where there is ego there is misery.Look at yourself sometimes, that person understood the point of the group and after saluting the guru, he left from there, after that he listened to his wife, listened to his children, listened to his friends and neighbors And listened to the owner too but did not get distracted by the things, he solved his problem by laughing, there is something similar in our life, our sorrow is because of us or people are born always due to entanglement with others.If we recognize the misery within us, then whatever the situation may be outside, happiness is always visible and if there is sorrow within us, even if happiness is raining outside, only sorrow will be seen.There is only one way to avoid many sorrows and it is that the inner silence which is silent from within, the outer sorrows cannot disturb it, so you If no one listens to you, then you get angry, you create such misery around you and you also enjoy making sorrow and then say that I am very sad, want sympathy, small children Just like there is a happiness in sympathy, this is what you need, but everyone needs this, so no one gets it, so wake up your inner silence and solve the confusion in unnecessary things, make life simple and calm.

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